October 16, 2014
The Credit Insurance Puzzle: Why is it 5x more popular in Europe?- webcast by Igor Zax for CFA
Igor Zax, Managing Director of Tenzor Ltd. will be presenting a webinar “The Credit Insurance Puzzle: Why is it 5x more popular in Europe”. The webcast, hosted by Commercial Finance Association (CFA), the international trade association dedicated to the asset-based lending and factoring industries and will take place on 4th of November 11 am EST/4pm GMT.
Why is the percentage of secured transactions that are insured five times higher in Europe in the USA? And what can we learn from the difference?
Credit Insurance can bring up strong opinions, and often we hear most about it from the insurance experts themselves, or from lenders who want to share a horror story.
Igor Zax will offer an unbiased overview of common misconceptions about credit insurance, and mistakes that are often made. He will explore the reasons (right and wrong) why it more popular in some markets and less so in other, and the ways to structure programs for various purposes (both export and domestically). Zax will also map credit insurance among other available tools (from both corporate and financial institution prospective).
Free registration is available on CFA website via link https://www.cfa.com/eweb/DynamicPage.aspx?WebCode=EventInfo&RegPath=EventRegFees&Reg_evt_key=89CBC1A9-C350-4BCA-8CD7-E71C3ADD06A0