Tag: operational due diligence

Operational Turnaround –Focus on Working Capital and Supply Chain-lecture by Igor Zax at LBS

Igor Zax CFA, founder of Tenzor Ltd, gave a new guest lecture Operational Turnaround –Focus on Working Capital and Supply Chain as part of a course “Mergers, MBOs and Other Corporate Reorganisations” by professor Paolo Volpin at London Business School 23 March 2012.

The lecture covers principles of distressed investments, corporate turnaround and operational due diligence. It also focuses on supply chain and working capital implications, use of asset backed lending, vertical integration and business model re-design.

Slides for the presentation can be seen by clicking the link below:
Operational Turnaround –Focus on Working Capital and Supply Chain

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Special Situatons and Distressed Driven M&A- masterclass by Igor Zax

Igor Zax, founder of Tenzor Ltd, is leading a masterclass on “Special Situations and Distressed Driven M&A ” at C5 conference “M&A in Russia and CIS” 28 September 2011 in Moscow.

This interactive working session will identify core issues that an
investor in a distressed company has to deal with at every stage:
pre-transaction, during deal structuring and post deal. Attendees
will receive ‘nuts & bolts’ guidance on strategic and operational aspects of distressed M&A deals, an analysis of the different objectives and approaches of participants (banks, private equity houses, corporate buyers and sellers, hedge
funds, etc.). The workshop is specifically designed to help you navigate the maze of operational due diligence, turnaround and exit strategies for distressed investments.
• Types of and reasons for distressed investment
• Practical techniques of operational due diligence
for distressed investments and their importance
• Pricing and evaluating distressed companies and their assets
• Capitalising on discounted price offerings
• Practical considerations in distressed M&A deal structuring

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Igor Zax to present on operational due diligence at LBS

Igor Zax, founder of Tenzor Ltd, is invited again to present at LBS (London Business School) with a guest lecture on operational due-diligence, as part of a course “Mergers, MBOs and Other Corporate Reorganisations” in June 2011.

The lecture would focus on the role of operational due diligence, core areas investor needs to focus, and typical mistakes made by investors (private equity and others) in accessing their targets.

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