Tag: Supply Chain Finance

Igor Zaks to present at TXF Americas 2020

Igor Zax (Zaks), CFA, President of TenzorAI, and Tenzor Ltd, will be leading the discussion at TXF Americas 2020 19-20 February 2020 in Miami, US:

The shift in supply chains
We seek to discuss the challenges and opportunities
within the modern-day supply chain:
• Other than pricing, what have been some of the
additional impacts caused by political, economic, and
environmental threats at a global and regional level?
• Who is financing the shift in costs across the supply
chains, particularly in LatAm?
• Which new strategies are being implemented to
mitigate further risks?
Discussion leader: Igor Zax, President, TenzorAI

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Major Trends in SCF in 2019 : video replay and podcast available

Igor Zaks (Zax), CFA, President and CEO of TenzorAI, presented at World of Open Account Learning Lab e-round table Major Trends in SCF in 2019.
Full webcast recording is available via link below:

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Igor Zaks (Zax) to present at TXF New York 2018

Igor Zax (Zaks), CFA, President of TenzorAI, will present at TXF New York 2018 Transformative Trade, Treasury and Supply Chain conference 13 September 2018.
The presentations covering use of AI (including distributed AI) within trade and supply chain financing would be part of a panel on TRANSFORMATIVE TECH: DISRUPTING TRADE FINANCE THROUGH BIG DATA, AI & BLOCKCHAIN. The panel would also include Alisa DiCaprio, Head of Research, R3, John Stillwaggon, CEO USA, Tradewind, and Nancy Amert, Director, CGI Trade Innovation Lab.

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Supply Chain Finance and Artificial Intelligence – a game changing relationship? article by Igor Zaks and Alexei Lapouchnian

Igor Zax (Zaks) , CFA, President of Tenzor Ltd. and Alexei Lapouchnian, Ph.D. published a new article, Supply Chain Finance and Artificial Intelligence -a game changing relationship? inReceivale Finance Technology Yearbook 2018 by BCR Publishing by BCR Publishing. The book is officially launched at RFIx Receivables Finance International Convention 14-15 March 2018 in London, UK.

Link to the full article available HERE:

Whole Yearbook is availible via link below:

Receivale Finance Technology Yearbook 2018 by BCR Publishing

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Igor Zax (Zaks) presented at TXF Transformative Trade, Tech and Talent Conference in New York

Igor Zax (Zaks) , CFA, President of Tenzor Ltd. moderated a panel at Transformative Trade, Tech and Talent Conference
Igor moderated a panel at BLOCKCHAIN, AI & DIGITAL SUPPLY CHAINS: BRINGING TRADE INTO THE 21st CENTURY panel, held 7 September 2017 in New York

Trade is ripe for innovation. This session pits the hottest technologies against each other in a X-factor style competition. An expert in each technology will give a 10-minute pitch to a panel of judges on why they think their technology will have the biggest impact on the trade sector. The audience will then decide the winner.

Blockchain: Louis De Bruin, Blockchain Leader, Europe, IBM
ArtificiaI Intelligence: Christophe Spoerry, Co-founder, Euler Hermes Digital Agency
Digital Supply Chains: Anil Sebastian, Senior Manager – Supply Chain, Microsoft
Igor Zax, President, Tenzor Ltd
Kenneth Goodwin, Senior Managing Principal & President, Jeanensis Capital Markets

Cristina Dolan, President and COO, InsureX

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Igor Zax presented at TXF Americas- Trade, Commodity and Export Finance

Igor Zax (Zaks) , Managing Director of Tenzor Ltd., moderated a panel at <TXF Americas- Trade, Commodity and Export Finance conference to be held 1-2 February 2017 in Miami, Florida.

Igor Zax moderated a panel:

Idea Lab: Technocrats – FinTech in 2020
As financial technology increases its foothold on corporate management of cash, supply chains and credit, we examine what benefits FinTech can offer corporates in the run up to 2020. The latest and greatest is pitted against the tried and tested across the evolution of letters of credit, digitisation of documents, distributed ledger, blockchain SCF solutions and data driven decision making.
Tony Smith, CEO Americas, HPD Software
Christophe Spoerry, Co-founder, Euler Hermes Digital Agency
Moderator: Igor Zax, Managing Director, Tenzor


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Igor Zax presented at Supply Chain Symposium

Igor Zax, Managing Director of Tenzor Ltd. presented at the 6th Annual Supply Chain and Finance Symposium, hosted by IE Business School and Banco Santander in 20-th of June Madrid. This top academic event  featured professors from top universities, including Stanford, University of Chicago, University of Washington in St. Louis, Georgetown University, IE, Singapore Management University, Imperial Business School and  others, corporates (such as Metro Group and BMW) and banks (Santander and HSBC).

The presentation was focused nature and unique characteristics of trade receivable risk, differences it presents with other risk types, and implications of SCF structures to the risk transformation, distribution and management. Full copy of the presentation available via link below:

Trade Credit: the nature of the risk and its implications for SCF

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