Igor Zax (Zaks) , CFA, President of Tenzor Ltd. is going to moderate a panel at US Trade and Working Capital Conference 2018 to be held in Chicago 13-th of June 2018. The conference is organised by GTR -Global Trade Review:
A practical guide to trade credit insurance
● Key drivers of US insurance market growth: Increasing insolvencies,
protectionist trade policies, and financial regulation
● Put some skin in the game: Which insurance solutions are best suited
to the US market? Considering whole turnover, excess of loss and
single risk policies
●What information is utilized by credit risk underwriters to assess
underwriting decisions? How significantly does this vary between
insurance policies / providers?
● Has the insurance market become increasingly adaptable to client
needs? Considering hybrid policies, higher limits on non-investment
grade names, and a willingness to insure ‘non-trade’ business
Moderator: Igor Zax, Managing Director, Tenzor
Gary Mendell, President, Meridian Finance Group
Paul Scobie, Head of Transaction Risk Management, Global Trade
& Receivables Finance, HSBC
Peter Hunter, Vice-President, Trade Credit, Chicago, Chubb
Jay LeClaire, Region Director, Sales & Marketing, Americas Region,Euler Hermes World Agency
Agatha Liberatore, Senior Underwriter, XL Catlin